A positive side
no 1: a cow made of hay on Zalesie Śląskie roundabout - a remnant of a harvest
A positive side
no 2: wigwam-like houses in Januszkowice. The houses starred in a film
promoting “Kraina Św. Anny” - that is a region that surrounds Góra Św. Anny.
The film has received an award on an international tourism film contest in Warsaw.
There is a legend that says that the region
(especially Januszkowice lakes) was once inhabited by terrible ghosts - utopce
- that made lives of neighbouring inhabitants miserable. Wigwams are believed
to refer to the legend.
A positive side
no 3: a small marina in Rueda tourist centre, next to wigwams.
A positive side
no 4: swanks next to the marina.
A positive
side no 5: ArcelorMittal coking plant in
Zdzieszowice (looks nice on pictures).
The town of
Kędzierzyn - I still don't like you ;)

No cóż, pieknie to my tu nie mamy może jakoś szczególnie w tym Kędzierzynie, ale jak się dobrze przypatrzeć to się coś miłego znajdzie :P pozdrawiam! MamaRowerzystka na przymusowym chwilowym odwyku :P